Tag Archives: voice

Voice ~ Write 28 Days


“Come, let us sing to the LORD! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.” Psalm 95:1


Music moves me. In church, at home, in my car, wherever I am, the beat causes my head to bob, hands to raise, and my toes to tap, sometimes without me even knowing I’m doing it. But it’s not just a reaction with motion that I have to music, it is one of e-motion, too. A song can  bring me to tears, take me back in time, brighten a gloomy day, and some, well they send me straight to my knees. Music to me, is a language of love.

Some of my most treasured times as a MiMi are when I’m singing to my young grandsons as I tuck them into bed at night . We have our standards: “You Are My Sunshine,” “Jesus Loves Me,” Away in the Manger,” and the last one I leave them with is the old Barney song, “I Love You, You Love Me.” The notes are not always on key and sometimes I forget some of the words but, each one sung over them is a little expression from my voice to their hearts of a very big love. And when they sing along? Well, that’s when my heart overflows!

“For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah 3:17 (NLT)

Maybe you’re like me and have nights when you lie awake reliving the things that went wrong in your day or are full of fear about what tomorrow might bring. This verse is for us! God is with us, He takes delight in us despite our mistakes; He calms our fears. And then…God will rejoice over us with joyful songs. God, our Savior, singing, over each of us! A Holy expression of love. Tears? Hands raised? Fall to my knees? All. Of. The. Above.

Isn’t it amazing how the Bible shows God’s VERY BIG love for us in simple, relatable ways like  singing songs, just as I do with my grandsons? We may not hear God’s actual singing voice (if we do I’m sure it won’t be off key) but, if we listen carefully we can hear him in the lilt of a birdsong, the melody of children’s laughter, the harmony of loved ones gathered round, the rhythm of the waves, or in the beat of our own hearts. God’s music is the ultimate language of love and it makes me want to sing along. Will you join in?

“He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God.”
Psalm 40:3a (NLT)

God’s Precious Song

OK, I know it’s May First but the idea for this poem came to me late last night (April 30th) so if you’ll allow me some leeway, here is my final National Poetry Writing Month Challenge poem for 2018. Only wrote 14 out of 30 again.  Well, there’s always next year, I guess!

I was recently blessed to hear the musical talents of Gospel Singer, Cindy Sites.  Her lyrics and testimony touched me so deeply.  As I thought back over her performance the thought came to me that she is “God’s Song”. And so, this poem was born.  This is for Cindy from Cindy!

“He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what he has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the LORD.” Psalm 40:3 (NLT) / Pixabay

God’s Precious Song

Her heart is revealed
Through the words that she sings.
Melodies so sweet.
God’s message she brings.

Sharing her grief.
Proclaiming her praise.
Touching our souls
With a grace that’ll amaze!

Sing, sweet friend!
Sing loud and clear.
There’s applause in Heaven
As your voice is lifted down here.

Some have tried to quiet you,
But they were in the wrong.
Yours is a gift given from above
And YOU are God’s precious song.