Tag Archives: strength

Through~Five Minute Friday

“Then Jesus said, Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (NLT)

Through Him Not Me

She made many trips. I watched her fly back and forth, back and forth, bringing insects to her hungry brood. It sure brought new meaning to “carry-in supper.” And let me tell you, that crew of baby birds made quick work of their helping and then immediately began begging for more. So off she went again and again. 

“A mother’s work is never done” goes the saying and when I looked up to capture this photo I think momma bird was realizing it’s true. There she sat surrounded by little gaping mouths with her beak open too as if to say she’s through with it all and ready for someone to feed her instead.

Don’t we all get to that point sometimes? Whether it’s parenting, a relationship, our jobs, that prayer that hasn’t been answered, the dream that hasn’t come true, or a myriad of other things. There comes a time when we feel we just can’t work at it anymore. With hands raised in surrender (or beaks wide open) we proclaim, “enough, I’m through, finis, done, I. Give. Up.” It’s the place where we long for someone else to step in.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve waved the white flag in all those situations I’ve mentioned above at one time or another in my life. Some, more than once. But here’s the thing I’ve realized: when I’ve been flying here and there trying to get it all done, going back and forth, over and over in an attempt to fix, achieve, or receive it, or felt like I was failing because I couldn’t be enough, do enough, or bring enough to the table…truthfully, it IS because I’m usually trying to do it all.. on.. my.. own. 

“Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. The will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:28-31 (NLT)

God’s work is never done with me, or any of us maybe, but the words, “those who trust in the LORD” jumped off the screen as I typed them. It doesn’t say you can earn strength by your efforts or you will soar because you try hard (things I have believed), but rather because God, the Creator of everything provides for me and you too when we put our trust in Him. His timing. His outcome. His strength.

God had given that momma robin everything she needed to care for her young and guess what? He does the same for us. The difference is, He’s given her the instinct but offers you and me a choice. Will we (I) continue to frantically feed our self-reliance which leaves us begging for more or are we through with that? If you’re like me you HAVE heard and now is the time to understand that the only way to run, walk, “fly”, or even take one step in this crazy world is to chose to trust in the One who gives us through His power, all the strength we ever need. 

**Note to self (maybe you need this reminder too): Instead of in defeat, raise your hands in in praise and repeat this truth:

“For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:13

Out of Order? ~ Five Minute Friday

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 (NIV)

Out of Order?

At the beginning of each new school year a “Meet the Teacher” night was held for my incoming students. And every year I listened as parents proudly listed all the things their son or daughter already knew: letters, sounds, fact, numbers to 100, 500, 1000. I’d smile, shake my head, and say to myself, “we will see.”

Children are very adept at rote learning. That is, repeating things enough times that they become comfortable with them and can repeat them on demand, as long as they are in order. Whether spelling words, answers on a study guide, or numbers to 100, the true test is being successful even when things are OUT of order.

My family and I have been experiencing the same kind of test. If you’ve read much of my writing you probably know that I am a comfort zone gal.  I like my days to repeat over and over in the same way. The repetition allows me to seemingly meet the demands of life; as long as it remains in order, that is.

In recent weeks however, our lives have felt completely OUT of order! My youngest grandson suffered a traumatic health emergency and now our schedules, priorities, plans, dreams, just about everything, have become rearranged. May I say, it is anything but comfortable. As you might guess and maybe have experienced yourself, it’s left me feeling extremely weak so I’ve been clinging to this familiar verse:

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

These words reassure us when our worlds are in chaos. As He often does, God is teaching me in this unexpected, upside down, mixed up, time in our lives and it’s occured to me, that we (I) may say these words from memory, without real thought of the true meaning, which lead me to read Philippians 4, verse 12. Here are the words Paul writes leading up to these often repeated ones:

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.”
Philippians 4:12 (NIV)

 Just like my second graders, the true test comes when we’re victorious even if nothing is as we thought it would be. So, whether in joy or sorrow, fear or courage, peace or anger, health or sickness, “whether living in plenty or in want”, we can be content in “all this”, not on our own, but through Christ. What I’m learning (maybe kicking and screaming) is that life is never going to stay in order, and maybe, just maybe, we (I) shouldn’t want it to be, because it’s in those times when we’re blindsided, off balance, out of sync, discombobulated, and uncomfortable that we look to the One who DOES stay in place, to give us the strength to be content in it all

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ ”
2 Corinthians 12:9a (NIV)

I’ve joined with others at http://www.fiveminutefriday.com today to write to the prompt “Order.” I encourage you to click over and read more! I have been so overwhelmed and grateful for all the prayers given for my family and especially for Sutton from this wonderful writing community, our family, friends, and even people we don’t know. God is working and prayers are being answered. Follow Sutton’s journey at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070279381003   


Day 19 ~ Strong ~ 31Days2019


“Her children stand and bless her.” Proverbs 31:28a (NLT) / Pixabay


My image stares back at me as I stand in front of the mirror.  I gaze at the reflection. Are these too tight? Does this even go together? Is this outfit still in fashion? I worry way too much about the clothes that I wear! As I ponder upon that, I realize I’ve forgotten two very important things:

  1. “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more than food, and body more than clothes?” Matthew 6:25 (NIV)  And, that
  2.  I learned from my mom at an early age, about the most important things to wear.

My mom. She’s one of the strongest women I know! When my dad unexpectedly chose to leave our family, she was suddenly left to raise my two sisters and me by herself, at a time when single mothers didn’t have the rights and benefits they do today. That didn’t stop her from doing what it took to** assure that we had the best childhood possible. She worked hard and sacrificed much. Mom put our needs above hers and she always made sure we knew we were loved and cared for. Her example taught us that the most important things to put on don’t come from our closet.

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.” Proverbs 31:25-27 (NIV)

Yes, through the years of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, good times and bad, our mom has modeled for us her ensemble of incredible strength and dignity and she still wears them well today!   So, the next time we look in the mirror let’s not look at our clothes but rather what we’re clothed in. Strength, dignity, wisdom, faith, love!  With any of these we have no need to worry because one size fits all; they compliment each other; AND… they never go out of style!

This post is written as part of the 31 Days of Five Minute Friday Free Writes Challenge. You can read posts from other writers on the same topics over at http://www.fiveminutefriday.com I hope you know that I so appreciate you being here! God bless, Cindy