How Do You Spell Relief?
There’s an old commercial, maybe you remember it, where the announcer asks, “How do you spell relief?” The actors’ answers were all the same: R-O-L-A-I-D-S. And while yes, easing stomach upset is important at times, if asked the same question, my answers would be quite different.
I’d only walked away for a moment. Where could he have gone? I called and called. No response. Breathing became difficult! My heart felt as if it would explode! Absolute panic began to set in. It’s a feeling I’ll never forget. One more time, louder and with urgency, I shouted his name. This time in an answer to prayer: his little blond head popped up from its hiding place in the open trunk of the car. How he got in there I didn’t know. What I DID know was that I wanted him out of there and safe in my arms. That was thirty years ago but in that moment, “How did I spell relief?” F-O-U-N-D
More recently, both of my sisters have been facing major health challenges. Each has been on a journey in which they’ve had to relinquish some control, trust in the plans laid out for them, and accept help from others, any of which, as you and I know is never easy! These last months have been scary and stressful but I’m so thankful to say we’re blessed that they are both now on the road to recovery! So, at this time, “How do I spell relief?” H-E-A-L-I-N-G
No one can prepare you for how wonderful grandparenthood is! Waiting for your grandchild to be born though, can be a little (OK, a lot) nerve wracking! There are such a mix of emotions: excitement, fear, worry, anticipation, love, awe, did I mention worry?** We prepared and planned and waited…and waited…and waited some more, until finally the big days were here! Neither arrival of our grandsons went as we expected; but in the end, we were handed a perfect gift, God’s miracle: our grand baby to hold! “How did I spell relief” each time? N-E-W L-I-F-E
As we know, life can present us with many challenges. We may find ourselves out of control, not sure who to trust, and in the need of help. Things we thought would turn out one way may not go quite as we expect. And at times, we can find ourselves feeling out of sight to those around us and just plain lost! So, how do YOU spell relief? How do I? Our answers might be different or like the old commercial they may be the same. But just as the relief that “Rolaids” offers is temporary, so are all our answers. Permanent relief from this world is only experienced through One Answer. The answer where true life is FOUND in Him. The answer that offers HEALING from our sins. And the answer that through His death gives us NEW LIFE, eternal life, when we believe. “How DO we spell relief?” you ask? That’s easy! The only Way possible: J-E-S-U-S!
Today’s prompt is “Relief” over at Click over to read what others have written today or better yet, join us with your offering on relief! As always, I appreciate you taking your time to stop in. God Bless!
** five minutes is up