Labor Day weekend is upon us! How can it be that we’re already looking back on August? I don’t know about you, but for me this summer has passed in a blink of an eye! One good thing about month’s end though, is joining with others at to look back at our Four Somethings. It also just so happens that today’s prompt at is “Back” thus, I’ve decided to do double duty with this post. So sit “back” and relax as I share a bit of my month with you. And then…I’d LOVE for you to share your Four Somethings with me in the comments. Here are mine:
Something Loved
My heart’s been happy this month because I’ve been able to spend time with some of my favorite people in some of my favorite places! It’s always an adventure when I’m with my grandsons. Just after this photo was taken the entire jug of bubbles spilled onto the patio. I immediately got the hose to spray it off but looking back now, I realize it wasn’t my best idea. I’ll just leave it to your imagination to figure out what happened next!
I’ve recently returned from a trip back to Michigan to visit my mom and sisters. We aren’t able to get together as often as we’d like, so each visit is a true blessing. There’s something special about being with those who’ve known you the longest and love you anyway! Whether it’s spending time watching my grands growing up or spending time with those I grew up with, I’ve loved making memories that I’ll now look back on and treasure!
Something Said
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” Philippians 4:6 (NLT) / Pixabay
There are several things about myself that I’m working on to change. One big one is the amount of time I spend worrying. Looking back, I’ve realize just how much time I’ve wasted “rehearsing disaster” that’s never happened! As I’ve already said, time slips by in an instant and I don’t want to spend what I have on worthless worry. It’s time for a wake up call!
I love it when right at a time I need them, just the right words are shared. How appropriate that my need for a wake up was met with words said about an alarm clock! I’d never thought to compare worry to an alarm clock but it resonates with me and maybe it will with you, too. The idea is that we can let our worry work as an alarm clock, warning us that there’s something we need to pray about. AND…..we certainly don’t let an alarm clock keep ringing once it’s done its job of getting us up, so we shouldn’t let the worry alarm keep ringing after we’ve taken our concerns to God, either. I love that visual and hope to apply it from here on out and to not go back to letting worry take up all my time!
Something Learned
What a great time I had this month working along side my daughter while learning to do something new! We were invited to attend a workshop at a new shop being opened by our family friends called “Board and Brush”. It’s a wonderful place where you can go to created fun and unique decor projects from scratch! We learned how to assemble, distress, stain, and stencil. I was so thankful for the support and encouragement I received to help me complete my sign. The experience was so enjoyable that I hope we can go back and do it all again very soon!
Something Read
“Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place to stay. God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” 1 Peter 4:9-10 (NLT)
Oh this book! Through stories of her homes, gardens, communities, friends, and family Christie Purifoy creates images of place and home which inspired me to reflect on the places that have contributed to bringing me where I am and helped create who I am. The emotions she shares and the knowledge she offers create a symphony of words and thought that made it hard for me to take my eyes from the page. The subtitle: “Cultivating Places of Comfort, Beauty, and Peace” is exactly what this book does for the reader! If you desire to stay in the home you have, long for a home from your past, or dream of a new home in the future, this book is perfect for you! With her beautiful writing style (and beautiful it is….I might have a tiny or not so tiny case of writer’s envy) Christie takes us on a spiritual journey which reminded me that no matter where it is, God’s gift of home is meant to be shared. “Placemaker” is a book that I could read from front cover to back again and again and learn something new each time! I loved it!
Well there it is! August was a good month but I must admit I am looking forward to September bringing some cooler weather and the introduction of Fall with it. As you look back on this past month, I hope you too, can see many blessings. Don’t forget to share a few of them with us! God willing we can share our September Four Somethings too so…….
Y’all come “back” now! Ya hear?
(sorry, just couldn’t resist)