Tag Archives: Listen

Spring ~ Five Minute Friday

“My child, listen to what I say, and treasure my commands. Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding.” Proverbs 2:1-2 (NLT)

Spring has Sprung

I love everything about Spring, especially all the “re’s”: renewal, refreshment, rebirth, and return. There’s something so hopeful in tiny, green leaves appearing again on branches that once were barren, or the sweet, earthy smell of the first Spring rain that begins to replenish the ground. I’m always amazed when the bulbs buried deep beneath the ground come to life each year after being frozen below. That’s the thing about Spring, there are signs of promise everywhere!

For me, there’s one sure sign that Spring has sprung and that’s when the Robins find the way back to my front yard from their winter homes. Once they arrive, joyful song greets the morning and flitters on the evening air. The winter-worn grass becomes dotted with  red breasts hopping happily from one side to the other appearing to do a welcome back waltz with one another. Would you be surprised if I told you that watching Robins reminds me of something important in my, our, relationship with God? 

A Robin’s process for satisfying its hunger is fascinating! Cocking its head to one side, this amazing bird stands perfectly still and well, just listens. Moments later, it hops a few paces, stops, and listens again. This continues until suddenly the Robin moves into action diving its yellow beak into the ground and coming up with a worm. How is this sure sign of Spring able to hear something as quiet as an earthworm? It remains a mystery but it is a lesson for us.

“Be still and know that I am God.”
Psalm 46:10a (NLT)

“So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ. Then he added, ‘Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given-and you will receive even more.’”

Mark 4:24 (NLT)

“But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says.”
James 1:22a (NLT)

Following the example of a Robin, to be nourished we too must stop all the “song and dance” we’re doing in our day to day lives.  Then, we need to find time to be perfectly still and just listen. Hearing God speak can be a mystery too, but through His Word, in song, at church, or with His very voice we can hear Him. And when we do, we must then step in closer and listen some more.

Scripture reminds us though (as does our red-breasted friend) that it doesn’t stop there. Listening isn’t enough. We must then take action. What we are called to do will be different for each of us and we never know who will be watching. What we do know is that He will satisfy our needs.

Spring has Sprung! Are you ready? Let’s be Robins in a world that needs to find its way and celebrate “Spiritual Spring” every day of our lives: Rebirth in Christ, Renewal of our Souls, Refreshment in His Word, and the Promise of Christ’s Return.


The Other Side ~ Five Minute Friday

It’s time for me to bring my Five Minute Friday writing and my poem a day goal together again.  This week’s prompt is “other”. Think of all the possibilities!  To read the ideas of “others” on this prompt click over to http://www.fiveminutefriday.com

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9 (NLT) / Pixabay

The Other Side

When you’re talking over coffee and the words become hotter than what’s in the cup:

Listen to the other side.

When you’re hurt because a friend who’s always been there seems to have forgotten you:

Remember there’s always the other side.

When you’re blinded by all the bad being shared everywhere you look:

Discover the good in the other side.

When someone is lost in the dark and too afraid to go on:

Shine the light to the other side.

In a world where so many don’t know their way and are clinging to the edge:

Be the bridge to the other side.

When you feel that to listen, remember, discover, shine, and be,  are just too much to bear, don’t grow weary. You’re never alone:

Jesus is on the other side!




Silence (Is Golden) ~ Five Minute Friday

“LISTEN & SILENT are spelled with the same letters. Think about it.” / Pixabay

Time Starts Now:

I’m a talker. I love to tell stories, to think aloud.  Several years ago I was riding in the car with my husband and father-in-law; chatting as I normally do when it was suggested that I couldn’t be quiet for a designated period of time.  What? The gauntlet was thrown and the challenge accepted! Not only did I proclaim I could be silent for that period of time, but rather for the entire trip! The prize if I succeeded? My father-in-law had to buy me flowers.  I’ll have you know I won that contest….well… sort of……when the flowers finally arrived, the note on the card simply said: “Silence is Golden“!

I now believe there’s more truth to that statement than I was willing to admit to back then. Recently, I’ve come to realize that when someone’s sharing their situation with me, my first instinct is to open my mouth and tell my version of their experience or to offer my solution. Neither of which were asked for.  Thankfully, I’m now learning to keep the noise in my head from tumbling across my tongue and to just listen instead. “Silence is Golden“!

My quiet time with God also tends to be anything but quiet! When I try to be silent before the Lord, song lyrics may start singing in my head or my grocery list appears out of nowhere and I begin to talk my way through it. Before you know it, I’ve filled the Holy Space I wanted with racket that I could do without!  Tell me I’m not alone! “He leads me beside still waters”. “Be still and know.” You see?  God’s been trying to teach me that “Silence is Golden” all along.  Now all I have to do is listen.  I think I’ll take that challenge! How about you?

Time’s up!



Connect ~ 28/31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes

“I call out to the LORD, and he answers me from his holy mountain.” Psalm 3:4 (NIV) / Pixabay

My mom and sisters are together today in Michigan and I’m home in West Virginia.  Days like today are hard on me as I’m far away from the women who’ve loved me the longest. I can’t believe I’ve lived 500 miles from them for 35 years now!  We’ve talked about those times when we were all young mothers and weren’t able to connect with one another very often.  Back then our only options where calling long distance….but who had the extra money….or writing letters……but who had time! We missed out on a lot of each others’ lives and when we finally got together? Non-stop talking to try and catch up! 

Now, here we are.  Our children are grown and on their own and I have grandchildren!  We’ve come a long way and so has staying connected.  I’m so thankful for texting, cell phone calls, and Face Time.  Technology today helps bridge the miles so that sharing the big events and little moments keeps us close even though we’re hours apart. And when we finally get together? Still non-stop talking!

 I long for connection.  I ache for time with my grandsons and family, but also with my friends and those in my church .  It goes even further than that as a writer because I also yearn for a connection with those who read my thoughts and reflections. I don’t know about you, but being separated leaves me feeling depleted and isolated.

You know? The same is true about our relationship with God. It’s so easy to let ourselves become detached.  Busy lives, difficult circumstances, relationships, or our priorities can cause us to become disconnected from the One who has truly loved us the longest! Talk about depleted and isolated!

I’ve issued a connection challenge to myself, maybe you’ll want to join in.  Am I (Are we) seeking God’s message as often as a text? Looking forward to being one on one with Him as much as with those with whom we Face Time? Spending the same amount (if not more) time in conversation  with God as with the contacts in our phone? I can tell you, I have some changes to make!

God designed us with the desire for connection with others, but more importantly with Him; so He sent Jesus to die for you and me, giving us free access to His direct line.  No dead batteries. No glitches in the internet. No blocked calls. He’s anxiously waiting for us to finally put down our phones, call out, and connect with Him. And just a little reminder to myself:  When we get together? Less talking and a lot more listening!  Just say’in………………..


I’m glad to “connect” with you today!  It’s hard to believe this 31 Day Challenge is about over!  If you’d like to read more thoughts on connecting go to http://www.fiveminutefriday.com


Listen ~ 11/31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes

I am continuing with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes which means I’m writing for five minutes on a prompt each day in October.  I’d love for you to follow along with me on this journey or better yet, join in at http://www.fiveminutefridays.com


I’ve had a little trouble with this prompt today.  Setting the timer I headed in several directions, with nothing coming together.  Stepping away from my computer, discouraged, I sat quietly and these lines began to flow.  Again, I passed my five minute limit but I feel this is what I was supposed to write all along. Hope you’ll forgive me.

“Come near, you nations, and listen; pay attention, you peoples! Let the earth hear, and all that is in it, the world, and all that comes out of it!” Isaiah 34:1 (NIV) / Pixabay


The world is full of clamor and noise.

Satan uses it as one of his ploys.


TV, sirens, phone calls and chatter

We can’t hear the things that really matter.


Music is playing wherever we go

Engines roar, tires squeal, horns blow.


Video games, commercials, newscasters blare

The louder the better. What do they care?


Debate, protest, march, riot

We want them to hear us. We can’t be quiet.


Step out of the tumult and into His peace

Bow your head, breathe deeply of His sweet release.


Can you hear it on the wind, a baby’s soft coo?

God’s voice beckons, He’s calling to you!

Will you listen?

