Tag Archives: defeat

Defeat~Five Minute Friday

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he care about you.” 1 Peter 5:7

I was determined not to let defeat come out the winner this time…..

Our grandsons are growing up before my eyes and with that in mind, I decided to do a guest room make-over. I always want them to be as comfortable as they can be while they’re here so this time it meant taking the double bed out and putting in two twin beds for them to sleep in. 

Now I’m not a particularly handy gal. Patience is also not one of my strong traits so usually I might start a project and then get frustrated and easily give up, throw in the towel, and like I said above, let defeat win. But not this time! As I sat surrounded by the many pieces it was going to take to put the beds together, I was intent on seeing this job through.

And so, I lugged and tugged, fastened and tightened, lifted and shifted until….ta-da….I had one bed put together! I can’t tell you how proud I was of myself and I couldn’t wait to show my husband! I am embarrassed to tell you that when I finished I found myself laid out flat, collapsed on the floor with sweat dripping down my face. It was then, that I sheepishly decided to put the second bed together the next day. 

Once I recovered a bit from my “strenuous” undertaking I excitedly sat down on the new addition to the room. That excitement was replaced with dismay when I realized the bed was a little more wibbly-wobbly than it should have been. I’d tried my best to get all the screws tightened, but alas my own strength wasn’t enough to get the job done. Thankfully, my husband came to my rescue and solved the problem I couldn’t. And when he offered to put the second bed together for me? I was glad to accept his help.

I wonder how many times I’ve done this very thing in my spiritual life? Found myself in the midst of a problem, my life in pieces before me and was determined to not let it defeat me, intent on solving the matter all by myself. Can you relate?

We know how that turns out, don’t we? My solutions can leave me wavering, unsure what to do, and so exhausting all my energy, I usually find myself down and out. Despite how hard I try, my own strength just isn’t enough.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Put My yoke upon your shoulders-it might appear heavy at first, but it is perfectly fitted to your curves. Learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. When you are yoked to Me, your weary souls will find rest. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30 (The Voice)

When my better half walked into the guest room, picked up the tool, and offered to help complete the job, I was relieved. He didn’t leave me on my own to figure it out nor did he point out what I’d done wrong. He simply offered to share in the work and enable me to depend on his support to get the job done.

I’m reminded that it’s the same with Jesus. When we fail in our own attempts and finally take our problems to Him, He doesn’t say, “You’ve made your wobbly bed now lay in it.” No, He instead invites us to join with Him, to share our load, and accept His support with the promise of rest in Him as we work together. 

And here’s the part I really need to remember, maybe you do too. When we find ourselves looking at all the pieces of a situation spread out before us, not knowing how or if they will ever get put together the way they’re supposed to, and when we’ve done all we can on our own, Jesus is waiting. 

I’m learning that our own efforts serve to prove our weakness, so I’m asking myself and you, are we yoked with the One who offers to share all our burdens?  If not we need to be, as it’s only through HIS strength that our life can truly be secure. 

“I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”
Philippians 4:13 (NLT)

Joining in at http://www.fiveminutefriday.com to write to the prompt, Defeat this week. Click over to read more!