31 Days of Five Minute Friday Free Writes
“Then Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.'” Matthew 16:24 (NIV)
Days 10/11: Between and Idea
We spent this weekend visiting family. It’s always hard to leave and today was no different. Traveling toward home we reminisced about the fun we’d had, planned for the week ahead, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery passing by outside the window. When we pulled away this morning our intention was to make the four hour trip straight through to home with only a short stop for a bite to eat, but about midway I was asked to think about altering our route.
I’ve written before of my dislike for change. Big changes or little, makes no difference to me; I’m not a fan. My mind had already set its navigation course toward home. My timetable was in place. I was comfortable with it all so why modify anything? After all, if we got home as planned there were things we could get done. But, that little voice inside my head (who I often try to mute) urged me to say, “yes” to veering off the beaten path and taking an unexpected jaunt. And I’m so thankful we did!
The tires crunched as we turned onto the gravely, leaf covered road and for a moment I just wanted to turn around but… I soon discovered that someplace between where we’d been and where we were going, beauty, peace, and joy awaited. Oh, what I might have missed! Bright, fall leaves dancing against the backdrop of a crystal-blue sky, the relaxing song of the gently flowing river, and crisp air tempered by the afternoon sunshine all would have missed had I chosen to stick to my own agenda. Not to mention, the gift of sharing God’s beauty and extra time with one another! And to think I almost missed it all.
The idea of sticking to our own agendas despite hearing a voice that says otherwise isn’t a new one. Matthew tells us in chapter 9, verses 57-62 about some men who are called to follow Jesus but whose minds were set on their own course and did not want to deviate from it. Oh, they had good reasons for not wanting to change directions, but, what would they miss as a result? Verse 10:16 answers that question. Matthew reports that those who turned onto the rough road of being a disciple, “returned with joy.”
Another person who I can relate to is Martha. Like me, she was very good at seeing all that needed to to get done instead of stopping to listen.
“Her sister, Mary, went and sat at Jesus’ feet, listening to Him teach. meanwhile Martha was anxious about all the hospitality arrangements.
Martha: Lord, why don’t You care that my sister is leaving me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to get over here and help me.
Jesus: Oh Martha, Martha, you are so anxious and concerned about a million details, but really, only one thing matters. Mary has chosen that one thing, and I won’t take it away from her.”
Luke 10:39-41 (The Voice)
A call to volunteer. A plea for prayer. A little voice asking for a story to be read. An offer to attend church on Sunday morning. An invitation to spend time with those we love. A request to mentor a young person. A prompting to witness to others. How many times have I, have we, silenced Jesus’ voice and missed out as He’s called us to take a “jaunt” with Him because of a “million little details” we think are important? Here’s what I’m reminded, someplace between where we’ve been and where we’re going, there are opportunities for finding beauty, peace, and joy when we say, “yes” instead. Let’s not let our calendars, watches, or our own plans keep us on the beaten path, rather, let’s turn onto the One Way, the Only Way that really matters. There’s no doubt we‘ll be grateful we did!