Share Four Somethings ~ April
Somehow I’m always surprised when I start seeing others’ Share Four Something posts at! It doesn’t seem possible that another month has come and gone. I guess that old Tracy Lawrence country song is right. “Time Marches On!” April has offered many things like reminders of rebirth, a restarting of things paused by the pandemic, reassurance, and reuniting! “Re-” means again and yes, I am happy to relive my joys of April again with you!
Something Loved
“Three things will last forever-faith, hope, and love-and the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13 (NLT)
After months of being apart, we finally were able to make the trip to see our daughter and grandsons. My heart overflows as I type this! To say we loved being together is an understatement! While the visit was short, the memories will last and last! Soccer practice, T-Ball, bedtime stories, Lego building, baking, snuggles, and lots of laughs, all in person, being together was as you can imagine, a highlight of my month!
Another special moment happened this month with a three-generation get-together. Our son and daughter-in-love took time out of their busy schedules to take grandma and mom on a spectacular daffodil adventure! I was in heaven! Time with the” kids”, my favorite flower as far as the eye could see, an amateur photographer’s dream spot, and time with kids! Oh did I already say that? It was the best part! Yes, I LOVED reuniting in April!
Something Read/Said
“So encourage each other and build each other up, just a you are already doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NLT)
I’ve had the unique privilege of being a mentor to a student I taught in Second Grade. He’s now a Sophomore in High School! Again, time DOES march on! April has presented him with some challenges and so each morning for the last few weeks I’ve been sending “Wise Words” of encouragement to reassure him of all I believe he can accomplish! We all need something said like that now and then, don’t we? I’m so proud of this young man and can’t wait to see all he achieves in life! Mentoring is an honor and I’m pretty sure that I’ve gained more than I’ve ever offered! There’s no doubt I’d do it all again!
Something Treasured
“Make a joyful noise to the LORD, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises!” Psalm 98:4 (ESV)
“The only thing better than singing is more singing.”(Ella Fitzgerald) Oh, how I believe this! I know that I’ve shared (probably more than once) that I have a musical soul. Music of all kinds fills the rooms of my house all day long and you can often find me dancing and singing along! Do I love to sing! Well, really I’m making a joyful noise, but I make it with a lot passion!
The Pandemic has taught me and probably you too, about taking things for granted. Never, did I imagine there’d be a time when our church buildings would be closed! And once they reopened, it seemed unbelievable that we wouldn’t be allowed to sing as part of our worship! I’m so grateful that this month that changed for us! At the conclusion at our last two Sunday services, we’ve joined together for one song. What a beautiful sound, masked voices and all! Regaining a little “normal” is such a blessing. One I’ll not take for granted again!
Something Ahead
“Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” 1 Corinthians 13:7 (NLT)
This is the last picture I have of the four of us together. It was taken on August 26, 2019. 2019! My mom, sisters, and I usually meet at least three times a year but have now been apart longer than we’ve ever been in our whole lives! Finally, we’re vaccinated and ready to go! I’m counting the days (literally) until we leave Michigan, Indiana, and West Virginia behind to rejoin each other in Ohio! Words cannot express how thankful I am to be looking ahead to being with these amazing women this week! I can just hear “Peaches and Herb” singing: “Reunited and it feels so good!” (You young people will have to Google it!)
April began with reuniting and will end with reuniting, too! Can’t think of a much better way to spend a month! Can you? Join me here next month as “time marches on” and we’ll do it all again!
What about you? What Four Somethings did you find in your month? I’d love for you to share them with me in the comments! Better yet, click the link above and join us there. As always, I want you to remind you what it means to me that you take the time to join me in my ponderings here! Wishing you many blessings in May!
Don’t feel bad, I host the link-up and I still get caught off guard when the fourth Saturday rolls around. LOL.
Thanks for sharing! It always amazes me when the time to share 4 somethings comes around again! So glad you got to be with family! We are going to Ohio in June to visit my parents! We haven’t seen them in person since July 2019, so I can relate!
Oh, I’m just excited for you…so many wonderful family moments! Church family, too!! I know you are spiritually and emotionally full – and your post just made me happy:)
Something treasured: our first in person women’s event at church with praise and worship and an inspirational speaker! It was well attended and everyone was so happy to see each other again. I love the union of corporate worship to our Heavenly Father!
I’m so glad you got to see some of your family. It’s lovely to see so many people posting about happy reunions! And it’s also great that you got to sing again. There’s no indication yet of when that might be allowed here.
Lesley, I sure hope things continue to loosen up for you as they are for us. I. In a unique situation because our church congregation is so small, we can easily space outage we’re older so most of us have had our vaccines too. I actually got teary as we sang for the first time again. Oh, how I missed it! Thank you for stopping in to comment.
I’m excited that you’ll soon see your family in person again. I, too, am counting down the days until I see mine (two more months!).
Thank you Megan! I’ve tried not to let myself get too excited because we’ve had so many disappointments but it’s starting to become more real! I pray your wait passes quickly! This has been the craziest of times! I so appreciate you taking time to comment!
Beautiful, Cindy. Just beautiful.
Thank you Sue! This has become one of my favorite things to write. Fits well with GIST, don’t you think?💕