Share Four Somethings ~ March
Spring has sprung here in my little part of the West Virginia mountains! Daffodils and crocus have burst forth from the cold ground, leaves are emerging on the lilac tree where my bird guests find their buffet, and the robins have returned doing their “dance” in the grass with the worms below. (The worms are not willing partners). Yes, March has brought blessings of Spring and for me, this month has presented other blessings, too! Join me and others at as we share our “Four Somethings” for the month.
Something Loved
March is a big birthday month in our family! Both my son and daughter were born in March. Then we added a son-in-love who was a March baby, too. And….yours truly also celebrated a birthday this month. Not sure how it’s possible that I’m 62 years old, but I’m so grateful God has brought me this far! Truly, every day is a gift!
I don’t know about you, but not being able to gather with family and friends had really begun to weigh on me. My heart felt heavy and my soul, weary. That’s why I loved receiving “visits” from those I love in the mail. My spirit bloomed like the early Spring flowers with each envelope I opened and message I read! To say I am blessed with special people in my life is an understatement! Now, I can’t wait to be able to tell them so in person!
Something Read/Said
“You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. with less of you there is more of God and his rule.” Matthew 5:3 (The Message)
This whole idea about “being blessed” can be complicated. It’s something I’ve been talking with trusted friends about, engaging in social media on the subject, and this month, participating in a study about it. The Bible has a lot to say about what it means to be blessed and it doesn’t always match our worldly view. Each day in March, the ladies at posted a key verse and often with it, insights others have gained in life about the subject. My “Something Said” came from a young woman on day 15 of the study. Alyssa Nelson shared this:
“What makes us blessed is not having all the things we’ve decided we need, even if those are good things, it is to see God for who He truly is and to know Him deeply and personally.”
Such wisdom from a young heart! Her words were the focus I needed and they will stay with me even though the #Blessed study is over! I encourage you to click over and read more for yourself!
Something Treasured
“May the LORD bless you and protect you.May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you. May the LORD show you his favor and give you his peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 (NLT)
I have to take you back to my birthday for my “Something Treasured” this month. Not only did I receive lovely cards and notes, I also was given some fun gifts. Truth be told, I don’t need a thing. That being said, I really enjoyed opening bags and boxes containing just the “perfect gift”! I’d hinted to my mom (ok, I sent her the link) about this cute Dove Planter filled with little succulents. It didn’t matter that the delivery date for it was past my birthday, I don’t know about you, but I’m happy to spread the celebration out as long as I can!
Well, a few days before my birthday I received a small box in the mail from mom. Imagine my surprise when upon opening said box, a very strong fragrance escaped! I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what she’d sent and why! Was I ever tickled when under the tissue paper I found this ummmm…aromatic…bar of “Dove” soap with a message on it. Oh, how I giggled at her creativity and how happy I was to receive my hoped for Dove Planter a few days later! Blessings come in all sizes AND smells!
Something Ahead
“All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.” Ephesians 1:3 (NLT)
As I’ve told you before, I’m a calendar girl and those empty pages in the midst of the pandemic served to remind me just how much we were missing out on. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to now be able to make plans and write them in those little boxes! We’re still living day by day as we know anything unexpected can happen, but it’s fun to look ahead at the possibilities!
If I’ve learned one thing this past year, it’s to not take our blessings, large or small, for granted. Going to church was one I never thought much about, until I couldn’t go anymore. Last year at this time, churches were closed and Easter felt lonely. As we journey to the cross this week on our way to rejoicing in the resurrection of Jesus on Easter morning, I’m looking forward this year, to celebrating together with my church family in our sanctuary, and most importantly remembering from Whom all blessings come!
I always enjoy looking back at my month and picking out things to share with you. I’d love to know YOUR “Four Somethings”! Share them with me in the comments so that I can celebrate them with you. I hope you know that when I count my blessings, you are among them. I so appreciate the time you offer me by coming here to share in my ponderings!
A belated happy birthday to you, Cindy! I love all the cards and especially the gifts your mom sent you. Those would definitely count as treasures in my book too. Your Easter scene is also lovely. 🙂
Happy Birthday Cindy. I enjoyed hearing about your Moms creative gift. I’m actually going to have to remember that one. Blessings sure do come in all sizes ( and smells) indeed. Wishing you good day blessings.
Thank you so much Paula! I’m not sure how the idea came to her, but it was the highlight of my day! That, and she found my favorite dill mustard that I can’t find here! It was a great birthday box! I am grateful for you stopping in here with me. It’s a blessing!
Happy Belated Birthday, Cindy! It’s fun to read about the 4 Somethings that made your March special! May is a big birthday month for us. My mom and I share a birthday, my middle sister has a birthday that month, and my cousin’s son actually shares my birthday.
I hope your in-person Easter celebration is truly glorious! We, too, are looking forward to celebrating in person this year.
Thank you Jeanne! Isn’t funny how family birthdays can fall together. Our Son-in-love actually shares my birthday! I am so looking forward to Easter Sunday service! We may even sing one song through our masks for the first time in over a year! That will be glorious! Thank you for taking your time to comment! It means so much to me!
I think the blessing of receiving a card in the mail is a lost art, I’m glad you received so many!
My first job was in a Hallmark Store and I’ve been a “cardie” ever since. I love sending them for all kinds of reasons or no reason at all. And I must admit it is awfully nice to receive them too! Thanks for popping in Heather! I really appreciate it!
Four somethings. I admire your ability to set a structure and write meaningfully within it. I will try to share my 4 somethings with you.
Something loved- Instacart. My husband asked me what I wanted for my 50th anniversary and I told him Instacart because I hate shopping of any kind, but especially groceries.
Something read/said – I just read the sweetest message of a new friend to me. And I just read your blog which makes my heart happy every time.
Something treasured – When our state got shut down AGAIN and it was super cold to sit outside every single day at a restaurant after walking together, I invited everyone to celebrate Mondays at my house. I have always wanted to do something exactly like what we are now calling Monday Manna. So the invitation is open to all the women in our walking group and whether 3 can come or 18 – we gather to talk, pray, laugh, and play 5 crowns. Monday Manna starts at 9:00 am and we go until 12:15 when I have to leave for work.
Something ahead – summer and sunshine 🌞
I wish writing was ahead for me, but it seems everything else takes priority.
I’m glad writing is your priority. It’s your gift.
Oh Jane, you are so sweet and encouraging but alas, you give me too much credit. I wish I made writing a priority but really it’s so willie nillie! And the big difference between us is that I don’t work anymore so I have all the time in the world to write and I procrastinate it away and let insecurity distract me. I do love writing about my four somethings though! I am so glad your hopes of Morning Manna have come true. It sounds wonderful. I do so miss gathering with my friends. I’m hoping that will change soon here! Too bad we don’t live closer. I adore grocery shopping ( well not as much with a mask) and could be your personal shopper for you. That would be fun! I can’t thank you enough for always supporting my efforts. It means more than I can say!
Happy belated birthday! I’m glad you had a good time and received some nice cards and gifts despite not being able to gather with all your loved ones. I am also getting weary of not being able to see people, but hopefully it will begin to improve soon. I love the Easter ornaments in your photo and I hope you enjoy celebrating with your church family. I agree, we will cherish the little blessings so much more. I have list of about twenty things I want to do this year, and all of them are “normal” things I’d have taken for granted until a year ago.
Lesley, I am so with you in looking at things that once seemed normal as more special now. My husband made my Easter scene from patterns I gave him and then I painted it. I love how it turned out! Thank you for taking your time to stop in. I always love hearing from you!