
I’ve been doing some crazy stuff lately and this ranks right up there, but even though I’m getting a late start,  I am going to once again attempt to write a poem a day in April to celebrate Poetry Month.  I’ll be the first to say that it’s unlikely that I’ll accomplish this goal, however I’m going to give it my best!  And who knows? Crazier things have happened! (believe me!)

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV) / Pixabay


10 ~ Bike riding, marble playing, days of carefree fun!

20 ~ Nose in books, food on trays, late-night stories spun.

30 ~ Planning lessons, housework looms, a new daughter joins our son!

40 ~ Busy life, kids grow up, suppers on the run.

50 ~ Empty beds, who turned up the heat, career is almost done.

60 ~ By God’s grace I’m 59 and 60’s just plus one! (Boy, I hope it’s fun!)


I Don’t Want to Settle ~ Five Minute Friday

It’s that time again! I am linking up with the talented writers over at 

The prompt today is “Settle”.

“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed – or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41-42 (NIV) / Pixabay

I didn’t settle down to write today until supper was cooked and the mess cleaned up. My day just got in my way.  There were phone calls to make, laundry to finish, and preparations for the Sunrise Service at our church to be made.  Before I knew it, the sun had set and I hadn’t even turned on my laptop.  I’d planned to write after lunch but despite my best intentions, I was distracted by my to do list.

I’m here to tell you my prayer life isn’t much different. I begin my day with the best of intentions: coffee, devotions, and prayer.  The reality is more like: coffee, Facebook, and more coffee.  When I finally do settle down to spend time in prayer, my day gets in my way!  In the midst of my gratitude is my grocery list.  Smack in the middle of my confessions are the contacts I need to make. One minute I’m naming my  joys and the next, I’m naming jobs that need to be done.

Sound familiar? Jesus had come to visit Mary and Martha.  Mary settled in next to Him but the Bible tells us Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. There was food to cook, dishes to wash, and guests to serve. So, just like me, Martha’s day got in the way of her spending time with Jesus. Maybe you can relate, too.

Martha asked Jesus for help with her to do list.  He gave her so much more! He gave her Himself!  He’s inviting us today to also let go of those things that worry and upset us and choose the Only thing we need! I don’t want to just settle for distracted prayer. I want to, like Mary, choose what is better!  How about you?

Time’s up!


Comfy Pants Routine ~ Five Minute Friday

It’s Friday!  Yay!  Time for another five minute free write.  Today’s prompt is “routine”. Want to read more? Click on over to

Time starts now…

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT) / Pixabay

I’m in a comfy pants routine!  When I was teaching full time and flitting here and there with kids, wearing comfy pants was a luxury!  An unexpected snow day or rare weekend with no plans allowed me to slip into those soft, stretchy, cozy pants for a bit! Now that I’m retired though, I find myself each morning (or afternoon…shhhhh) routinely reaching in the drawer, passing over the jeans, and pulling out my now well worn. comfortable, favorite easy to wear attire. IF I’m going to stay at home, that is! Although it seems socially acceptable these days, I have not adopted wearing comfy pants out in public.  The mirror doesn’t lie!  While soft and stretchy are great for relaxing, not so much for bumps, lumps, and rolls on a retired gal’s body! I just don’t want to run into someone I know and share those parts of me with them!

You know?  I’m kind of the same with my Christian life; it’s great when things are easy and comfortable.  Not so much when there are bumps in the road of my faith walk, lumps of regret for things undone caught in my throat, or guilt rolls over my heart like a boulder. The Bible doesn’t lie! I’m a sinner and I don’t always want others to see those parts of me, either.

Maybe something needs to change, though.  Don’t worry! I won’t be wearing my comfy pants out and about anytime soon. But, I am learning that if we make sharing with others the shortcomings and challenges in our Christian life routine, we find those parts of us aren’t as different  as we thought they were, and even better than that, we can begin to encourage one another to see ourselves and all our parts in another way: as becoming the new person in Christ, God intends for us to be!

Times up!

Now where are those comfy pants……….






The Land of Regret ~ Five Minute Friday

I can’t believe it’s Friday already!  And it’s Five Minute Friday at that!  Today’s prompt is “regret”. Oh boy…….brings about a lot of stirring in my soul. Definitely something I continue to struggle with.  Maybe you do too.  I know there will be so many insightful posts that you can join me in reading today at

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for Which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Phillipians 3:13-14 (NIV) / Pixabay

The Land of Regret

In the land of regret there is no peace,
No solace waiting there.
Instead you’ll find words not said, deeds undone, 
Relationships beyond repair.

In the land of regret you’ll find no joy,
No celebrations to behold.
Just wasted time, a sense of loss,
Stories that remain untold.

In the land of regret love is lost,
Contentment does not abide.
But living there are mistakes we’ve made, hurt upon hurt,
And dreams we’ve had that died.

In the land of regret it’s easy to drown
In remorse, worry, and woe.
The devil tells us we’re doomed to stay;
An empty tomb shouts it isn’t so!

You see my friend, we have a choice to make
Of where we’d like to be:
Looking back to the past we cannot change or
Looking up to to the One who sets us free!



Beauty of His Love ~ Five Minute Friday

My five minutes today is actually a five minute edit.  The words of this poem I wrote a while ago kept running through my head today. Pretty sure I needed to be reminded again, so decided to rework it to share here along with other writers addressing the prompt “beauty” over at

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)/ Pixabay

The Beauty of His Love

My mirror tells a story
I don’t want to hear.
Of passing time, sagging skin
And other things I fear.

Wrinkles, laugh lines,
A hair on my chin?
How can this be my outside
When I feel so young within?

Age spots, freckles,
A scar by my eye
I’m marked head to toe
By years passing by.

Just at the time
I began to despair
A Still Small Voice said;
“See My masterpiece there!”

Leaning close to the glass,
I looked long and deep, 
And the reflection I saw
Caused me to weep.

For at that very moment
My heart began to sing
Because I had forgotten
One very important thing.

I’m marked on the inside.
Saved by His grace!
My blemishes are forgiven.
Jesus died in my place!

Every hair on my head,
The imperfections I see;
Are all part of His plan,
For me being ME!

Now, the face is the same
But the story is new.
God’s helped me to discover 
 The beauty of His love shining through.

Classroom Whys ~ Five Minute Friday

I almost didn’t join Five Minute Friday today when I saw the prompt was “Why”. With everything going on in the world around us, I knew it was going to be difficult to write something meaningful in the wake of such tragedy. Yet, here I am.  Thoughts have been pounding around in my head and so with prayer, here I go.  I am sure you will find many moving posts to read today over at

Time starts now.

“”But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”” Luke 18:16 (NIV)/ Pixabay

The call came over the intercom.  Door locked. Lights off. Curtain on door drawn. Blinds shut. Table in the corner of the room turned on its side. Precious Second Graders huddled low behind the table.  Roll taken.  These were the steps I followed in my classroom every time a “Code Red” drill was scheduled. With each action, my heart beat a little faster as I tried to move with confidence and put on a brave face.  No matter how many times we went through the practice though, worried “whys” tumbled from the tiny lips of my students. “Why do we have to do this?” “Why would someone want to hurt me?” And each time I would try to quiet their souls with the best answers I had, which between you and me, were weak at best, because I had (and have) the same “whys” they did!

During every drill, I made a promise to those nervous, wide-eyed babes; “I’ll do everything in my power to keep you safe. No. Matter. What.” But could I?  Oh, I had plans and ran through scenarios in my mind. But the news had shown me way too many times that despite heroic effort, my promise could be hard to keep. And so my “whys” just kept coming.  It was the stuff my nightmares were made of!

Fast forward to today.  I’m retired now and so thankful that in my 32 years of teaching I only heard “Code Red” as a drill.  Even though I’ve had to imagine what a school shooting would be like, I cannot fathom what those involved go through. Why was I spared when others have suffered so? Why are children becoming murderers?  Once again, I only have weak answers.

You and I know that the “whys” aren’t just confined to the classroom.  They tumble from lips in our homes, our workplaces, our churches, and in the world.  It’s easy for me and maybe for you too, to get so lost in the “whys” of it all that we forget the Who.

 Jesus said:
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart:  I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NIV)

There’s so much suffering everywhere we look. My tendency is to question and to want to somehow understand the purpose in it all. Depending on myself or the opinions of others though, just leaves me asking more questions. Can you relate? I’m learning that instead of those “whys” we need to be WISE and depend on  Jesus.  When we do, we can take heart in The Promise that is never broken, The Peace in the midst of chaos, and The Only Answer that can overcome the whys of a troubled world.

I invite you to join with me right now and say a prayer for all those who are suffering.







Agree to Disagree ~ Five Minute Friday

I look forward to Five Minute Friday!  It’s always fun to see where it leads my little brain! Today’s prompt is “Agree”.  If you’d like to see more thoughts on the subject click over to

“Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” Romans 12: 9-10, 18 (NLT) / Pixabay

We couldn’t be more different, my husband and I.  From the moment we met, when this city girl shook up his country world, it was evident that there was little upon which we would agree.  He’s talk radio and I’m music up full blast.  Sweet tea with a little ice is his preferred drink; Mine? Unsweet with ice to the max.  He’s an early bird. I’m an owl.  We have dueling thermostats. Mine usually requires a sweater while he’s in short sleeves.  Sleep number? His, high. Mine, low.  And when his head hits the pillow? He’s fast asleep, while my mind whirls and twirls before I finally drift off.  And after all this time, the list continues to grow.

They say opposites attract and for thirty-four years and counting we’ve been proof it’s true. It hasn’t always been easy; but early on we made the decision to just agree to disagree on the simple stuff.  More importantly though, we realized that when it comes to things of greater significance: our faith, our mutual respect, our love for each other and our family, we’re on the  exact, same page.  Our differences have generated laughter, prompted discussion, expanded our understanding of things, and added variety to our lives; but it’s those core values we agree on that have made our relationship possible.

“Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body.  We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.  In His grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well.” Romans 12:4-6 (NLT)

Our world today seems focused on all the ways we are dissimilar in an attempt to force us further and further apart. I’m afraid it’s working.  How about a different approach? What if we applied a little magnetic science (and the experience of an old married couple) and allowed ourselves to be drawn to those “opposites” we come in contact with? Think of the laughter we might share, the new things we could learn, the better understanding we would have if we would give “agree to disagree” a chance! I believe we’d begin to see people sharing more mutual respect, genuine care being given, commonalities discovered, and relationships being formed.  I don’t know about you but this beach girl married to a mountain man thinks that’s exactly what this world needs more of!

Time’s up.


Be a Dandelion!

“Be joyful in hope, patient in trouble, and persistent in prayer.” Romans 12:12 (ISV)

What an example of perseverance!  As I walked across my yard, a glint of bright yellow caught my eye. Despite days and days of single digit temperatures, snow, and wind, this little dandelion found a way to push out of the dark, frozen ground. Bitter cold? Didn’t stop it. Frigid wind?  It kept right on going. Stretched to its limits and facing obstacles in its way, this little sign of life kept reaching toward the sun until it broke through into the morning light. And wouldn’t you know it?  This small, determined, tiny plant showed up just when I needed a little prompting to persist, myself!

I too, have been frozen; stuck in my own wavering thoughts, pushing against uncertainty and doubt, and letting my faith be blown here and there.  It’s been a real struggle to try and find my way in the dark.  And then, here’s this small golden gift put directly in my path, bringing to mind a truth God’s been trying to get me to understand: Just. Keep. Reaching. Toward. The. Son.

Ever been in that place of believing, but asking God for help in your unbelief? That’s right where I’ve been planted of late. Shaken by prayers not answered in the way hoped for? Hold on. Weary of not knowing what to do? Endure. Faith far from where it needs to be? Pursue. Feeling unworthy of God’s love? Abide.  For every question I’ve raised, the answer has simply been “stay”. Stay in My promises.  Stay in My plan.  Stay in My love.

As I’ve read the Bible, talked with other trusted Christians, and prayed, I’ve searched for some preconceived, easy to understand answers.  You’ve probably guessed that I didn’t find what I was looking for and you’d be right. But, what did come to light in the midst of this dark struggle is this: Just Believe!

“”My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the Lord. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.  For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.

The rain and snow come down from the heavens and stay on the ground to water the earth.  They cause the grain to grow, producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry.  It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit.  It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” Isaiah 55:6-11 (NLT)

These words remind me that God’s wisdom is not rooted in human (my) comprehension and reasoning. All my striving to uncover answers I could understand only left me stranded in the cold, but just as an out-of-season dandelion shines in the bleakness of winter, God’s message to me, to us, to persevere in our belief shimmers with hope. Will there be obstacles? No doubt! Winds to blow us off course? I’m sure! Life can be hard! The rain and snow will come. Maybe you’re feeling it piling up right now. Boy, do I understand and I’m learning we have a choice to make:  Will we let it bury us in uncertainty? Or, will we choose to stay?…Stay and believe in thoughts and ways that are higher than ours. It might not be easy and we may have to choose to believe over and over again, but when we’re stretched to our limits let’s take a lesson from a little dandelion (and God) and Just. Keep. Reaching. For. The. Son!  Who’d ever imagine that a persevering “little sign of life” could teach me a lesson that leads straight to THE Sign of Life! Just gotta believe!










Sweet, Sweet Surrender ~ Five Minute Friday

It’s Friday, so I’m attempting to write for five minutes on the prompt, “Surrender” today. If you want to read more or join in hop over to

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matthew 6:25-26 (NIV) / Pixabay

Time starts now.

When I started thinking about today’s prompt, “surrender”, lyrics started playing in my head.  The calm, pleasant voice of that spectacled, blond haired “country boy”,  John Denver (a popular singer back in the day for you youngsters) began singing to my soul:

“I don’t know what the future is holdin’ in store
I don’t know where I’m goin’ I’m not sure where I’ve been
There’s a spirit that guides me, a light that shines for me
My life is worth the livin’, I don’t need to see the end.”

The song continues:

“Sweet, sweet surrender, live, live without care.
Like the fish in the water, like a bird in the air.”

Wouldn’t that be lovely?  To live without care? How much time do we spend (waste) caring about what we look like, what others think about us, or what the future holds?  I can tell you right now, that for me…..It’s. Way. Too. Much!  The fish and birds have it right! They swim and fly along being just who they were designed to be. Wondering if their feathers make them look fat,  if their nest is as big as others, or if they swim faster than anyone else isn’t part of their make up.  And guess what?  It isn’t meant to be part of ours either! 

In the midst of our crazy, social media driven, high-speed lives, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and alone.  Cue the music…We must remember that there IS a Spirit who guides us and a Light that shines for us! And even when we’re worrying and scurrying, God says we’re valuable.  Think about it…..Our lives were worth dying for! And because of that, we can sing at the top our lungs right along with John, “My life is worth the livin’, I don’t need to see the end” because we KNOW the end.  So, how about it?  Ready to practice some sweet, sweet surrender? I sure am!  I continue to work on being set free from the comparison trap.  What’s one care you can give up?  Let me know in the comments below.

(Yes, yes, I know.  More than five minutes.  I’m a work in progress)

Motivate ~Five Minute Friday

“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.” Romans 7:15 / Pixabay

After a break I’m joining back up with the Five Minute Friday gang to write for five minutes on the prompt, “Motivate”.  You can read the posts or join in at

Time starts now:

Motivation doesn’t come naturally to me.  Actually, it usually takes something big to get me to do what I know I should.  It’s not until I receive a high blood sugar report that I’m motivated to exercise.  Company coming is usually the reason that motivates me to clean my house and unfortunately, guilt is what motivates me to do a lot that I don’t want to do but know I should.

Prayer is the same for me.  When things are going smoothly I sometimes let my quiet time be filled with other things even though I know to live a life connected to Christ, I shouldn’t. Often, it’s when life becomes challenging I find the motivation to pray.  Boy, Paul knew what he was saying when he wrote those words in the “do-do” chapter… know the one, ” I don’t do what I should do but instead do what I shouldn’t do”!  From his pen to my lips!!!!

It’s the time of year when a lot of people are making New Year’s resolutions.  I admire those who are motivated by a goal and follow through. Me? Obviously, not so much.  It’s never too late to change though, so maybe writing these words will be motivation enough to get me started to do what I know I should do and not do what I know I shouldn’t do!! What DO you think?