
Only five days of April left.  If I’m going to meet the Poetry challenge I set for myself this month, I’m going to have to write a poem every one of those five days!  This poem was inspired by my little Magnolia tree.  In the process of putting in our new home, we had to take down a very large Pine Tree.  Despite the care taken by the men removing the tree, part of it landed on this Magnolia when it fell, splitting it right in half.  Of course, I (the negative Nellie I am) knew it was going to die for sure.  As often happens, I was proven wrong.  As I was admiring the blooms this spring it struck me that despite being broken and thought dead, it is bathed in beauty and living up to its potential!  That got me thinking about myself and how I offer up a lot of excuses why I can’t (or won’t) follow through on what I believe God is calling me to do and thus not really living up to my potential.  And so, this poem was born.  As I began to write, lessons I’m learning in a study of the book: “Come With Me” by Suzanne Eller also became woven into the poem….Maybe, just maybe you can relate to it too.

“As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him.” Matthew 4:18-20 (NIV)


We might be broken.
We might be bruised.
But that doesn’t mean
We can’t be used.

Too old? Too Young?
We really shouldn’t care.
We’re all given gifts
That only we can share.

A look at our calendars
There just isn’t space.
We say we’ll try again next time
Then resume our busy pace.

Who me? Surely not!
Isn’t she a better fit?
I could never do what you’re asking
It’s out of my comfort zone just a bit!

We have lots of excuses
When God’s voice we hear.
He’s calling us to action.
What is it that we fear?

When Jesus called the disciples
They answered without looking back.
He promised to be with them
And what they needed they wouldn’t lack.

It’s the same today, my friends
He calls; “Come with Me”!
So, up out of your chair, off your phone,
Answer yes and you’ll see.

Despite all our worries
And reasons to say no,
We have love beyond measure
And seeds of kindness to sow.

The thirteenth disciple
That is our place.
The hands and heart of Jesus
Sharing His grace.

Time is short, the need great.
No more delay!
He’s calling us to follow
Will you walk with Him today?

** You can learn more about Suzanne Eller at

Many Shades of Happy

So, here we are…Poem #10!  Not bad in 15 days if I may say so myself!  This is a special poem at that!  In a little less than two months, my baby sister is going to be the “Mother of the Groom” as she watches her middle son get married.  From experience, I know there are many emotions that go along with having your child become someone’s spouse; thus the title:  Many Shades of Happy.  This one is for Barbie.

“For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. Genesis 2:24 (NASV)

Many Shades of Happy

You carried him snuggled near your heart
and your heart is where he’ll stay.
Hockey falls and football scares
from the stands you’ve had to pray.

Middle child through and through
with an irresistible grin.
All grown up; teaching school
and coaching for the win!

Now here you are:  Mother of the groom
wondering where time has gone.
He’s planning life with someone new
while you watch him move on.

You’ve done your job so very well;
look on with cherished pride.
Your family’s growing larger,
making room for his sweet bride.

It’s a time for many shades of happy
and maybe a few momma’s tears.
Yes, in your heart he’s staying,
just adding more love to last through the years.




MiMi’s Love

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (NLT)

MiMi’s Love
For Carson and Owen 

He puts his little hand in mine, 
all the world is right. 
I don’t want him to change too fast
and so I hold on tight. 

His face is full of wonder
at everything he sees.
There are no more precious times
than days I spend like these.

Stories, jokes, and secrets to tell
that MiMi’s only know.
Songs to be sung, prayers to be said,
such a miracle to see him grow.

I thought I understood all about love,
but I didn’t have a clue.
Until they laid him in my arms
and suddenly then I knew.

A MiMi’s love is fashioned from
the love of God’s own son. 
Given freely as a gift
to each and every one. 

What a privilege it is to share
a love so divine
With the one who has my heart
and puts his hand in mine.

The Other Side ~ Five Minute Friday

It’s time for me to bring my Five Minute Friday writing and my poem a day goal together again.  This week’s prompt is “other”. Think of all the possibilities!  To read the ideas of “others” on this prompt click over to

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Galatians 6:9 (NLT) / Pixabay

The Other Side

When you’re talking over coffee and the words become hotter than what’s in the cup:

Listen to the other side.

When you’re hurt because a friend who’s always been there seems to have forgotten you:

Remember there’s always the other side.

When you’re blinded by all the bad being shared everywhere you look:

Discover the good in the other side.

When someone is lost in the dark and too afraid to go on:

Shine the light to the other side.

In a world where so many don’t know their way and are clinging to the edge:

Be the bridge to the other side.

When you feel that to listen, remember, discover, shine, and be,  are just too much to bear, don’t grow weary. You’re never alone:

Jesus is on the other side!




The Worry Remedy


“Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.” Glenn Turner

“Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” Matthew 6:27 (NIV) / Pixabay

W hittles tirelessly away; making shards of my soul.

O verpowered by the width and depth of my fears.

R estricting  peace, hope, and my very breath.

R eveals the “You of little faith” that I am. 

Y ielding my illusion of control to God’s perfect plan is the only remedy.





Does anyone else find it crazy how discontent we are?  We wish for our bodies to be different.  We want a different job or house or car…..the list goes on.  We wish for her life or her kids. It’s too hot or too cold.  We’re too young or too old!  I catch myself complaining way too much when I am living such a blessed life.  Of course, there are challenges but no matter what circumstances we face, We. Are. Not. On. Our. Own. We need to take a lesson from Paul (note to self!) “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation……I can do all things through Him who strengthens me!”

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength. Phillipians 4:12-13 (NIV)

(Inspired by waking up to snow on the Magnolia buds this morning)

Snow, snow
Go away!
It’s time to leave.
You’ve had your say!

Spring, Spring
Come right on in.
We’re more than ready
For you to begin!

Rain, rain
We’ve had enough!
Your mud and gloom
Makes doing things tough.

Summer, Summer
We need you fast!
Swimming pools, fireflies,
And days that last.

Heat, heat
You leave me weak!
Please give me a break
From sweat running down my cheek.

Snow, snow
Oh, how we’ve missed you!
Send us a downfall
Making the world seem fresh and new.

What You Do

“Listen, my son, and be wise, and set your heart on the right path. Proverbs 23:19 (NIV) / Pixabay

What You Do

What is it that you do
When Jesus calls your name,
To step in deeper waters
Where you’ll never be the same?

What is it that you do
When He knocks at your door
Beckoning to enter in
And change your life once more?

What is it that you do
When God meets you on the road
Giving new direction
Offering help with your load?

What is it that you do
When you see Him on a tree
Realizing without a doubt
He died for you and me?

Answer yes!
Invite Him In!
Follow His lead! .
 Repent of your sin!

That is what you do
When for Him you want to live.
He’s asking for one thing, my friend
Our hearts to Him we give


The Passing of Time

“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” Isaiah 46:4 (NIV) / Pixabay

The Passing of Time

Time moves very slowly
     as we anxiously wait;
Whether it’s news from the doctor
     or a baby that’s late.

Minute by minute
     the hands seem to stall,
when we listen for footsteps
   or wish they would call.

Days linger so long
     watching snow fall in the spring.
We yearn for warm sunshine
     flowers, leaves, birds that sing.

Time drifts along languidly,
     it sets its own pace.
We often wish it away
     till in the mirror we see 
            our face.



Love’s Release ~ Five Minute Friday

I’m doing double duty today.  Not only is it day three of the Poetry challenge; it’s also Friday!  Today’s prompt is “Release” in celebration of the release of Kate Motaung’s (the founder of Five Minute Friday) book called “A Place to Land”! I’ll tell you more about this wonderful memoir very soon. So here’s my attempt at once again, joining Poetry and Five Minute writing together.  To read more great posts on “Release” go to

“For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.” 1 Peter 1: 18-19 / Pixabay

R oll away your stone of doubt.

E xit your tomb of fear.

L oosen your hold on crippling guilt.

E scape the chains of the world and

A ccept the hope and freedom of

S weet forgiveness,

E ternally ours through the One, who out of love, paid it all.

The Ring

Day 2 of the April Poetry Writing Challenge


“And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13 (NIV)

The Ring

Polished facets capture the light 
and sparkle
Exactly like the glint in your eye when you
asked again.

Its still new weight against
my skin
an ever-present reminder of the anchor you are 
in my life.

Encircling my finger
Just as the cycle of seasons we’ve weathered and
been renewed in. 

Presented in a box 
a pretty jewel. 
But on my hand
a beautiful symbol

Vows spoken in our youth but lived
across time, 

Commitment ever renewed, withstanding
the ebb and flow of our story, and  

Love evolved, strengthened, and protected
by Him,
who perfectly led me
to you


