Love’s Release ~ Five Minute Friday

I’m doing double duty today.  Not only is it day three of the Poetry challenge; it’s also Friday!  Today’s prompt is “Release” in celebration of the release of Kate Motaung’s (the founder of Five Minute Friday) book called “A Place to Land”! I’ll tell you more about this wonderful memoir very soon. So here’s my attempt at once again, joining Poetry and Five Minute writing together.  To read more great posts on “Release” go to

“For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And the ransom he paid was not mere gold or silver. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.” 1 Peter 1: 18-19 / Pixabay

R oll away your stone of doubt.

E xit your tomb of fear.

L oosen your hold on crippling guilt.

E scape the chains of the world and

A ccept the hope and freedom of

S weet forgiveness,

E ternally ours through the One, who out of love, paid it all.

8 thoughts on “Love’s Release ~ Five Minute Friday

  1. Angela Rueger

    I love both your allusions and your acrostic. I am a poet and sometimes write a poem for the FMF challenge. But I had not thought of writing an acrostic. What a wonderful idea! I’ll have to try that next week (if I remember). 🙂 Have a wonderful evening, Cindy.

    1. Cindy Post author

      It’s all my years teaching poetry to Second Graders! Acrostics were a favorite! ? Thank you for your kind words. I’ll watch for your post next week! Thanks for taking the time to comment, Cindy

  2. Melissa

    “hope and freedom of sweet forgiveness” Such truth! Truth in the forgiveness we have from Jesus but also when we forgive others. There have been several times that I can think of when God just heavily lays it on my heart that I need to forgive someone. I am stubborn and I like to wallow in my hatred for them for awhile. But, eventually, I can’t ignore His voice anymore and boy when I choose to genuinely forgive that person, I feel so free!

    1. Cindy Post author

      Wow Melissa! Such a powerful testimony! Forgiveness comes hard for me too. I truly believe you are so right that our forgiving others frees us and brings us closer to who God wants us to be! Thank you so much for your wise comment. I am so glad you stopped in! Cindy

  3. Anne Mackie Morelli

    Cindy, I enjoyed your post! What a good idea to combine the Poetry challenge and the Five Minutes Friday post! And what a great reminder we are released, set free and given eternal life!

    1. Cindy Post author

      Thank you for your kind words, Anne! I’m a clinger so it’s a reminder I need all the time!!! I appreciate you taking your time to stop in! Cindy


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